Ten Tooth Upper Veneer Crown



Instructions for After Mini Implant Placement

  • Keep denture in for the first 48 hours, if our rinse and put back in.
  • Take the Amoxicillin (antibiotic) three times a day until gone.
  • Clean implant with access brush dipped in Peridex.
  • Clean inside of denture with brush (new) dipped in Peridex.
  • Continue with Peridex 1/2 oz. Rinse after breakfast and before bedtime with denture out.
  • Take 1 tablet Naproxen 500mg before novacaine wears off, and then every 12 hours for the first 2 days, then 1 every 12 hours as needed.
  • Next visit (48 hours): After Peridex is gone use Periomed.
  • Then if you have soft lining next visit will be in 4-6 months.
  • Recare visit at 6 months, 12 months and then every 12 months. Panoramic x-ray every 2 years.